Excellence, just a click away
Learn from tutors who worked alongside Nobel Prize winners. Meet IB examiners who will give feedback on your essays. Be inspired, no matter where you are.
What are the advantages of online lessons?
Recordable tutorials
Record lessons
to see them again later
The world
is your clasroom
Take your lessons on vacation, from home, at school, or in a coffee shop.
If you have internet, you can study with us!
Spend less,
learn more
If our tutors work online, they don't have to travel, so they can ask for up to 30% less than a normal rate
Improve your concentration
Utilise virtual whiteboards, shared documents, and share your screen via Zoom or Google Meet.
Increase the attention span, thanks to our innovative and effective methods.
Even if the interaction with students and parents does not take place in person, we dedicate targeted attention to each of our clients, with weekly calls, instant messaging platforms and software to evaluate the student's progress.

Technology at the service of e-learning
Three pillars to support our pedagogy
Make the student responsible
By working with us, students learn to overcome the academic challenges they face.
In any case, the work of our tutors does not replace, but complements, the student's independent work and enhances it.
By working with us, the kids agree to embark on a path that requires commitment and responsibility.
2.5 hours
We ask students to study 2.5 hours for every hour of strengthening they require
Intellectual honesty
Our tutors guide the students and cultivate responsibility and intellectual honesty in them: our students' works are personal, original and attentive to plagiarism.
Transparent collaboration with the school
Our tutors complement and enhance the work done in class, which remains, in any case, the backbone of the students' education.
For this reason, we are constantly in contact with teachers and schools, in order to better coordinate the work with the pupils.
Development of Soft Skills
Nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi, le debolezze accademiche dei nostri studenti sono riconducibili a debolezze nelle competenze relazionali.
Queste includono la creatività, cruciale nei progetti di ricerca, l'intraprendenza, fondamentale per lo studio autonomo, la capacità di autocritica, necessaria per l'obiettiva valutazione della propria performance, e la fiducia in sé stessi.
Pertanto, monitoriamo e sviluppiamo in maniera mirata queste competenze al di là delle abilità accademiche di ogni studente.
Creative resourcefulness