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Join our team of tutors, mentors, and coaches

We collaborate with tutors capable of offering a unique and engaging teaching experience - professors, artists, journalists and entrepreneurs dedicated to the academic world as a tool for improving oneself and others.

Below we describe the prerequisites of our tutors. If you feel you satisfy them and share our project, start your application!


IB Experience

To teach with us you must have personal experience of the IB Diploma - either as a teacher or as a student.

Academic excellence

Tutti i nostri tutors hanno dimostrato di eccellere accademicamente durante il loro corso di studio - sia alle superiori che all'università.


 What background and passions make you a unique mentor, beyond academic ability?


Due to the schedules of families and students, it is essential to have great freedom in managing your time to work with us.

Desire to improve

All our tutors undertake a path aimed at improving their qualities as teachers - through training and feedback.


Not all our students approach their studies with serenity. It is important to be ready to offer support with kindness and sensitivity.

How does the selection process work?


Register on Tutorcruncher

Tutorcruncher is the platform through which we manage our administrative processes - from selecting tutors, to connecting with clients, to generating invoices and payments. You can create your profile on Tutorcruncher by clicking on the link below. You can then log in with the button at the top right.


Make sure to complete the profile if you want to be invited to an interview!


Import a CV and bio to your account

Once you have completed your account on Tutorcruncher, use the "upload document" function to import:

  • Curriculum vitae

  • 250-300 word bio that summarizes your academic and career successes and highlights the most recent experiences in your career that make you an exceptional mentor. Please be sure to write it in the third person and use the bio examples on our site as reference models. In particular, include:

    • Paragraph 1: What subjects do you teach, what did you study, what grades did you graduate with and where, what profession do you currently have. Include the most prestigious academic awards you have won. If you wish to teach IB Diploma, it is essential to also include your IB score.

    • Paragraph 2: Your most recent and most important work and internship or academic research experiences. If you are still studying and/or have no work experience, focus on extra-curricular activities that demonstrate your skills and interests.

    • Paragraph 3: A brief summary of your teaching experience and your personal teaching style; your interests outside of school and work.

Please refer to the bios of our tutors on the site as a model. If the format of your bio differs from the format of our tutors' bios, we will not be able to evaluate your credentials to proceed with the application.



Academic interview 

If your qualifications and experience are compatible with our prerequisites, you will receive an invitation for a Zoom interview with our Founding Director, Roberto Valdo Cortese, and our Head of Tutoring, Emma Russo.

The interview will consist of the simulation of an online lesson.

You will then be assessed based on the following characteristics:

  • Interactivity

  • Accuracy of explanations

  • Knowledge of the material

  • Presentation 

  • Ability to react to student feedback

The interview will also be an opportunity to evaluate whether our teaching styles are compatible.


During the session, you will discuss the details of our pedagogy - simulating lecture excerpts and tackling case studies where you will be asked to improvise.

At this stage, you will be assessed on your ability to improve your teaching style, and align with the style we expect from the tutors we represent. 

In some cases where the outcome of the interview is unclear to us, it will be deemed necessary to carry out further interviews.

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